Musician-led Classes

Musician-led Classes

Make the most of your instrument through our musician-led classes. We believe that the best teachers are those who have worked as professional musicians, and understand first-hand the best tips, tricks and techniques to improve your playing. All of our teachers play a variety of instruments, so you’re sure to find an arrangement that works for you. We invite all prospective pupils down for a meet-and-greet with music teachers before signing up for a course of lessons, as we understand it’s important for you to get on a personal, as well as professional level.

Course Details:-

 Learn Music Production, mixing, mastering, sound design, arrangement, plugins, techniques & more using any software or DAW .

Welcome to the ultimate Music production course. With over 10 hours of online training, articles, tips and practical steps you can follow, this is the most comprehensive Music production course available.

Save yourself months of going through low quality YouTube tutorials and get all the information you need in one place. Ask questions, get answers, and make suggestions for new videos that you would like to see added to the course. 

We'll cover the basics like audio and midi, loops and samples, various software, plugins. We'll also dive into sound design, using synths, arrangement, workflow, mixing, mastering and how to tap into your creativity. 

The track used in this course is produced in Ableton Live, please don't worry. Everything shown in this course can be applied using whatever software you use including Logic Pro, Cubase, Reaper, Pro-Tools, Reason or any other DAW you may use.

Inside the course you'll learn how to: 

• Avoid common mistakes that make many beginners want to quit producing music .

• Generate tons of ideas for new tracks at any time .

• Properly analyze tracks from professional producers.

• Use reference tracks to make your own tracks sound amazing. 

• Make arrangements that are catchy and radio friendly. 

• Create interesting and powerful breakdowns, buildups and drops.

 • Design sounds that work together.

 • Use samples and presets so you can produce more music fast.

 • Use EQ, compression, reverb, delay, limiting, distortion, tape saturation, layering and more.

 • Mix and master your tracks to a professional level.

 • And much much more! 

All the tools and plugins used in the course are completely free.

 No need for expensive plugins, software or gear. 

You'll also get :-

• Lifetime access to the course.

• Fully mixed and mastered
Ableton Live Project .

• Complete construction kit
including sounds, samples, and
Sylenthl presets.

Enroll today to become a professional Music producer.